Invest in YOUR Future
Develop Your Organization’s Future Leaders Today

Online Future Leaders Development Program

The four part program will cover the fundamental topics of effective and authentic leadership, accountability, strategic thinking and problem solving. This will bridge the gap between employees and their employers, all while propelling the youth forward toward their goals.

Program Overview

According to a recent Deloitte article called ‘Developing and Retaining Future Leaders’, one of the top three reasons employees provide when leaving an organization is the lack of professional growth and development. Conversely, the article cited that leadership development opportunities were among the top three most effective retention initiatives for both Millennials and Generation X’ers. No longer are financial incentives the #1 reason why employees stay or leave an employer.

The question is why. If we know why our Millennials and Gen X’ers leave, then why are organizations not pouring resources to shore up the leadership competencies of our future leaders? The answer is threefold.

Organizations are running lean which means less people need to do more. With this reality comes a lack of time to commit to activities, like leadership training, that take away from our “day jobs” and may not provide instant ROI. One’s ability to lead is generally not the reason one gets promoted. Instead, promotions are given because of a person’s functional/technical competence, aka they are good at their job. However being good at your job does not naturally mean one will be a good leader. We tend to promote in our likeness, but the up and coming generations are not like us. The skills required to be effective future leaders are different, and need to be taught as they are likely not be demonstrated (all the time) by current leadership. The recent crisis will fundamentally change how we do business, and our future leaders will require a toolbox filled with different leadership capabilities. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is at the top of necessary tools. Future leaders have to be self-aware, able to self-manage emotions, have a keen awareness of others, and strong relationship building skills. They will need to be resilient in the face of adversity, and they will need to be transparent and authentic.

Satori’s Future Leaders On-line program will provide future leaders with the tools they need to be successful in good times and in bad times.

Pre-work and homework for all sessions
I hour of virtual coaching between sessions (concretizing learning)
Maximum 20 participants per session

Core Curriculum 

Session 1 – Leadership Values
Building your leadership Purpose statement
(1/2 day web-based session)
*1 hour of coaching between sessions

Session 2 – Being an Agile and Effective Leader
Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
Defining a GREAT Leader(1/2 day web-based session)
*1 hour of coaching between sessions

Session 3 – Building Teams
Team Trust
Building a culture of accountability
(1/2 day web-based session)
*1 hour of coaching between sessions

Session 4 – Shifting from Operational to Strategic Leadership
Being a resilient leader
Strategic thinking & problem solving for results
Change Management
(1/2 day web-based session)
*1 hour of coaching

Session 5 – Stretching the Boundaries
Servant leadership
Overcoming Barriers
Planning for your Future
(1/2 day web-based session)
*1 hour of coaching

Investment in Future Leaders
$3,400.00 CAD/ participant (+ HST)
Includes on-line training, pre-work, homework, coaching and an Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ Assessment.

Upcoming Session Dates:

  • January 24th 2024
  • March 20th 2024
  • June 19th 2024
  • September 25th 2024
  • November 20th 2024

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About Satori Consulting Inc.

Satori Consulting Inc. is a leading Canadian owned business management consulting and leadership development firm, based in Dundas, Ontario. Being based in Ontario works well for our team, but we are also national and global in scope, providing management consulting services from coast to coast within Canada and internationally.

We bring a unique, cross-disciplinary approach to our clients’ challenges, ensuring the right balance of expertise, real world experience, and best practices in business analytics, strategic planning, board governance, organizational effectiveness, executive coaching, talent acquisition and leadership development.

Providing expertise in credit union consulting, insurance industry knowledge, academia (coaching and teaching), general business management solutions, leadership development and team building – Satori Consulting Inc. offers all Everything DiSC® products along with many other personality assessments. SCI is passionate about management consulting and partnering with clients that want change.